Wednesday, May 21, 2008

RSS Feeds

After finishing my RSS assignment I.....quite honestly, still don't know what the two S's stand for. Never the less, it was a fun and interesting assignment. I found some very neat news feeds, word of the day feeds, quote of the day feeds, even weather feeds. I like that when you click on them for updates you don't have to read through a whole paper of mumbo-jumbo, you are taken directly to what you want and/or need to read. Quick and easy, I can see these types of feeds being useful, both now and in my future career. Being able to access the latest cites for athletic training, teaching, and sports technologies is going to be great!


JeffMcFall said...

I don't know what those S's stand for either. Do you think they might stand for Scott Sailor??? >P

kvieira said...

I found it pretty interesting how many different and various things we can track with an RSS. And I don't know the SS stands for either.